
Passing Through

Pontiac Grill- As trouble free as a car can be, Vintage Pontiac Ad

California Grill

Humble Pie

Passing Through

Ready for True/ Cuba 2023

Lights Out- There she was sitting in the middle of a Midwest field, along a 2 lane highway waiting to be recused. Run into the ground after many years on the farm, now filled with memories and loaded with rust. When I was young my grandfather had a pickup like this. I drove it up and down the lane and in the fields. I thought I was the coolest back then.

Ranch House Cafe- Just Horsin' Around

Rust In Peace- Came across this old Junkyard while exploring. Sitting in the Arizona Sun left to rust in a now parched Landscape. Reminded me of Bonnie and Clyde gangster days!!

Shadow Land

Hola My Friend
Man in wheat field shot at Aro Ha